Empowerment Program for Refugee Women*

Almost half of the international migrants are women and LBTIQ+, about 40% of the refugees living in Germany are women, girls and LBTIQ+. Refugee and migrant women and LBTIQ+ experience multiple forms of discrimination: through restrictive migration and residence laws and through patriarchal, racist and sexualized oppression and violence.

They face enormous obstacles: uncertain residence status, inappropriate accommodation in camps, restricted access to education, health services and the labor market. Many women* experience gender-specific traumas, were or are exposed to sexualized harassment and violence.

Many refugee and migrant women as well as inter, trans, queer and non-binary refugees and migrants are organizing, networking and fighting for their rights. With the Empowerment Program for Refugee Women* (EFF), which has been running since 2020, filia wants to support these groups and initiatives to strengthen themselves and be visible in society. For instance, through supporting community-building, networking, strengthening of existing skills and knowledge and building safer spaces (see funded projects).


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Focus on self-organized refugee and migrant women and LBTIQ+

Within this program, filia gives funding to groups and projects that are self-led by newcomer, refugee and migrant women and LBTIQ+. This means that they shape and decide their activities and goals themselves. Refugee and migrant women and LBTIQ+ are at the center. The program is bilingual, English and German, from the call for proposals and applications to the advisory board.

One of filia’s goals is not to only treat the symptoms of inequality, but to also address the roots of the problems. This is why we support groups that want to intersectionally achieve structural changes in society. Empowerment improves individual situations, strengthens communities politically. Women and LBTIQ+ believe in themselves and fight together for structural change. Exchange and networking also mean self-determination and more visibility.

Find the latest “Call for proposals” here. »

Advisory board of refugee and migrant women and LBTIQ+

As filia’s girls empowerment program, EFF also has an advisory board. The advisory board is a group of nine refugee and migrant women and LBTIQ+ who decide about the funding. It is important that people who know the life realities, are active themselves and bring experiences of flight and migration help shape and decide in the program.

More information about the Advisory Board are available here »

Projects are selected in a participatory process

The funding decision is made in a multi-stage participatory process: The applications are first recorded in filia’s office, then the advisory board makes a pre-selection. The advisory board members discuss these applications at a meeting in Hamburg and jointly determine which groups should receive funding.

In total, the following grants have been awarded so far:

  • ten impulse grants of up to €5,000 (launched in 2020),
  • two strategic grants totaling €20,000 (2020 and 2021),
  • twelve grants of between €3,000 and €8,000 (launched in 2021).

Current grantees: Empowerment Program for Refugee Women*

Women in Exile e.V.
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BIWOC Rising
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International Women Space
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Women for Justice
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Spanish speaking Women in Baden-Württemberg
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Initiative für Vielfalt und Teilhabe e.V.
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Our Voice
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Afrikanischer Kulturverein Palanca e.V.
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Shahrzad e.V. – Verein für gehörlose Flüchtlinge und Migranten
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Utamara e.V.
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Jambo e.V.
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ADNA for Agreement and Empowerment e.V.
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Muslim Women’s Group in Bremerhaven
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Refugees Emancipation e.V.
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Mural Collective
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Current grantees: Empowerment Program for Refugee Women*

Women in Exile e.V.

Place: Potsdam

Women in Exile is an initiative founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women who fight for their rights. We decided to organize as a refugee women’s group because we have made the experience that refugee women are doubly discriminated against: as asylum seekers marginalized through racist laws and discriminated as women. In the next two years we are going to focus on events which will lead us into celebrating Women in Exile`s 20 years anniversary in 2022. The idea is to make a nation-wide bus tour in 2021, build an archive for our work, research for and write a book. In the summer 2022, we will celebrate a history month of WIE and launch the book. Through meetings and empowerment workshops with refugee women living in the camps and those who have been lucky to get a residence and together with our friends without refugee background, we will develop a concept on how to make two powerful summer events for refugee women and feminist groups nationwide. This we will do without losing of focus the longtime campaign of „No lager for women and Children, Abolish all lagers“! We intend to involve our nationwide network groups which include the refugee women and their supporters.


Women for Justice e.V.

Place: Burgwedel

Women for Justice e. V. emerged from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held in Captivity (2015-2018) and was founded in 2019 in Germany against the background of the genocide of the “IS” against the Yezidis. We have 40 members and volunteers in Germany, Turkey, Kurdistan/Iraq, Syria, Belgium and England, our network goes beyond. Many of the members are Yezidi women, survivors are also among the active members. A comprehensive understanding of justice that includes the dimensions of health/trauma, justice,integration, education, reconstruction is our basis.
To implement all the ideas and projects and to have a voice in the public discourse requires continuous public relations work. With the funding we would like to finance the production of video clips about our existing and planned projects, produce flyers and brochures as well as their translation at least into Kurdish and English. We want to accompany the upcoming campaigns medially in a high frequency. We will organize the exhibition “ÜberLeben. Ezidinnen nach dem Femizid 2014. Aufarbeitung – Gerechtigkeit – Menschenrechte Brochure zur Ausstellung” [Survival. Yezidi women after the feminicide 2014. Processing – justice – human rights. Brochure for the exhibition] brochure digitally.


Initiative für Vielfalt und Teilhabe (über diversu e.V.)

Place: Lüneburg

Our group was founded as a result of discussions related to the participation options in Lüneburg and within the framework of the Future City 2030+ project. Here, work is being done on the city’s mission statement. In the process, the population groups of migrant origin were not addressed at the beginning. Their presence and participation in the city and region of Lüneburg are hardly considered. We are a group of 6 women with different professions, interests, migration and refugee experiences.
Point of departure: Although several women* with migration or refugee experience live in Germany or in Lüneburg, their perspectives and voices often remain unheard in political participation. Our project and the related goals: Organize a series of events that addresses women* with flight and migration experience and aims to strengthen one another, reduce structural barriers and make diverse opportunities for participation visible. A total of 7 events of 3 hours each are planned.


Our Voice (über Radio Dreyeckland)

Place: Freiburg

Our Voice, the voice of the invisible, is the self-governed refugee editorial office for Freiburg and the surrounding area. The project began in 2017 with a team of six, including four editors with refugee experience and two white German coordinators. In 2018, the responsibility of coordination was handed over to two editors. In the broadcasts, those who had to flee and live here tell their various stories. We broadcast in German, English, French, Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, Turkish. New is the podcast “Colourful Culture” once a month.
In addition to regional + supra-regional networking of Our Voice, we would like to work in cooperation with various local anti-racist and feminist supporters, we would like to open up a new migrant-diasporic and queer audience. Five events are planned: On the one hand in cooperation with Rosa Hilfe and a group of queer refugees, where those affected have their say. There will be an empowerment workshop for women (Women’s Power Day – already a classic for the editorial team). We will also address the issue of female genital mutilation (FGM) and invite three speakers – including one affected woman – who will also inform us about surgical measures. We cooperate with the Kurdish women in Freiburg, who are politically very active at the LaDIYFest, film screenings, their regular Vokü [collective kitchen] and feminist manifestations. Furthermore we want to invite the Women in Exile Berlin, if necessary online, because experience shows that these are well attended.


Utamara e.V.

Place: Kasbach-Ohlenberg

Through a Europe-wide donation campaign (“Women need their own spheres to realize their dreams…”) of the “International Free Women’s Foundation” in Rotterdam the basis for our women’s meeting place was laid in 2004. With the aim of creating a place of solidarity where women can come together, empower, educate and organize each other, in 2006 a group of mainly Kurdish women founded the women’s meeting place UTAMARA e.V. We share our diverse knowledge and experience with each other and together we manage projects with the goal of empowering ourselves and all others as women. We network and promote the networking and organization of other women. Especially in our communities we promote the approach of self-help. The development of counseling and self-help groups, education and awareness campaigns (e.g. on bride money) are part of our work, as well as the organization of Wendo courses, mother-child workshops and cultural events.
In April 2020, Cemal A. killed his wife Besma. In an open letter, together with others we have described this act as feminicide, and have clearly positioned ourselves against the label “accidental killing with drunken head”. In our work, we are often concerned with the traumas of this community – that men kill their wives is the same everywhere, but handling, reaction and prevention in such cases have to be done differently. We want to use your money to raise awareness about domestic violence and feminicides, especially in the Kurdish and Yezidi society.


ADNA for Agreement and Empowerment e.V.

Place: Aachen

ADNA for Agreement and Empowerment e.V. is a young association consisting of people with migration biographies living in the Aachen city region. The goal of the association is to serve society and support new immigrants with migration biographies. The association sees itself as a community that is open to all people. The association stands for a friendly and open-minded togetherness in assurance and protection. We place great importance to social competence and integration into a functioning community. We want to offer space for qualified, competent and motivated group work as well as for creative and innovative development possibilities.
With our activities we would like to offer women with flight experience a protected exchange platform, for them to process their traumata which they have experienced during their escape route. Because of their sexual orientation they experience discrimination incidents in everyday life, which they usually can’t handle very well. They already know this overload from their countries of origin, where they have to live their sexuality anonymously. Arrived in Germany they feel free, nevertheless they are confronted with many prejudices in the everyday life in the community. we would like to offer them a dialogue space with comrades. They should network more efficiently through joint activities (e.g. excursions) in order to better arrive and get in the new society.


Refugees Emancipation e.V. – Potsdam

Support for Asylum Seekers – digitally and in person

To improve the quality of life of asylum seekers in camps, including through secure access to computers and the internet.

Refugees Emancipation is a self-organized refugee organization that has been working for 20 years to improve the situation of refugees in Germany. Its focus is on initiating internet cafés in refugee accommodation centers. These cafés help refugees to become better informed and break down the isolation mechanisms of camp life.

What filia’s support makes possible
Refugees Emancipation wants to increase the organization’s presence in the more remote areas of Brandenburg. They are also planning to run campaigns to recruit new volunteers. In this way, they want to ensure that more refugees in the camps in more remote areas of Brandenburg can be accompanied by volunteers so that they can find their way around the authorities and arrive safely in Germany. This focus of Refugee Emancipation is particularly important because there is currently a strong increase in right-wing extremists in Brandenburg and at the same time the commitment of volunteers in refugee work has drastically decreased.


BIWOC Rising

Place: Berlin

BIWOC Rising is the first intersectional co-working and social space in Germany. BIW*oC stands for: Black, Indigenous (formaly colonised), women* of colour, as well as all those who identify themselves as women and consciously includes the transgender communities and non-binary people of colour. BIWOC Rising is a migrant women* self-organization and emerged due to huge demand for more safer spaces for intersectional empowerment work and economic participation from within the target group. Therefore, it has the advantage to concretely react to needs and close existing gaps. We are migrants, refugees, women* of color of the migrant diaspora, Afro-Germans, Sint*ezze and Rom*nja etc. In addition, many of us identify ourselves as queer, inter* and trans* – the advisory board consists of queer Blacks and women* of colour. Most of our community comes from working class families and some have physical disabilities. With our mentoring program we intervene here and bring BIW*oC together to learn from our experiences. This is not only about the technical hurdles such as letters of application, but explicitly about how people have managed to make it despite intersectional discrimination. These are precious experiences and skills that are still invisible to our community.


International Women Space

Place: Berlin

The Break Isolation Group (BIG) is a working group of IWS (International Women Space e.V. in Berlin). The group is a self-organized group of refugee women living in different shelters and initial reception facilities in Brandenburg. The group was formed in 2018 out of the need for independent self-organization by refugee women for refugee women. The group’s goal is to alleviate the isolation faced by women newly arriving in Germany’s asylum system. For autumn 2021 we want to extend our Peer to Peer Empowerment to the reception center Eisenhüttenstadt by visiting the reception center and inviting the women to our workshops. This will also make our empowerment- work more effective as we will be getting hold of the women at the time they need support most. Later on in their process after distribution to other lagers in Brandenburg they will multiply the work that we are doing. We hope that by 2022 we will have established a permanent space in Eisenhüttenstadt, supporting the sustainability of this project.


Spanish speaking Women in Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Place: Stuttgart

The association grew out of an initiative that had already been networking Spanish-speaking women in BW [Baden-Württemberg] since the end of 2018 and supporting them with a variety of offers. Since April 2021 we are officially a registered non-profit association. In the last two and a half years we have supported each other by designing, planning, organizing and carrying out individual and group educational meetings, conferences, workshops, educational talks in the areas of personal development, education, language, work, family, health, finance and sustainability. We have a clear concept of networking and empowerment of women based on universal principles (solidarity, synergy, gratitude, altruism), but above all on good example and cohesion.
With this financial support, we would like to continue empowering and networking Spanish-speaking women. Specifically, we would like to offer: A yoga and meditation course; 10 workshops on how to deal with and process our emotions; We will also offer 10 workshops on how to manage own finances; 10 workshops for older migrant women.


Afrikanischer Kulturverein Palanca e.V.

Place: Eberswalde

We are a group of women and queers with and without refugee and/or racism experience. We were and are all organized in different antiracist groups in Eberswalde and Barnim like the Bürger*inenasyl [Citizens’ asylum] Barnim or Barnim für Alle. The Palanca serves as an important networking and meeting place. Now we want to expand our anti-racist empowerment work with feminist empowerment.
1.) We would like to offer refugee women and their children a low-threshold cultural experience. The goal is to informally get to know the cultural offers for women and children in the Barnim and each other. At the same time, we are already and will continue to be approachable for everyday, social or bureaucratic problems and offer support. In this way, we want to identify needs through activities and at eye level.
2.) We want to involve the women and/or their topics in the local anti-racist work. For this we need interpreters, child care, workshops of political education, empowerment and anti-discrimination work by experts who themselves have experience with flight, migration and racism. The fair distribution of reproductive and care work is important to us in our group and in political work, so we want to learn more about it together through experts.


Shahrzad e.V. – Verein für gehörlose Flüchtlinge und Migranten

Place: Köln

In December 2017, the first general meeting was held. Our offer is aimed at deaf people who also have a migration background or are refugees. With this group there is an increased risk of having experienced trauma or violence. We see it as our task to offer our clients a variety of services. Central are courses for German sign language and computer skills. We plan for yoga courses, the teaching of German culture and history as well as excursions, for example to museums. We also want to use our new rooms, which we have been using since the beginning of 2021, as a meeting place for our clients. In this way, we want to have a networking effect and contribute to self-help. The acquisition of important skills goes hand in hand with leisure activities and activities with other people who share similar experiences. In communication with our clients, some women have expressed the need to participate in a swimming course. This is an offer that we would like to create in the form of a women*’s group.


Jambo e.V.

Place: Essen

The association “Jambo e.V.” was founded in 2019 in Essen by five women from different African countries and 2 men (Kenya and Germany). Since 2009, the founders have been working voluntarily in the fields of “social and economic integration”, because we had recognized in the practical work that in particular single mothers of African origin are targeted victims of racist and domestic violence in Germany and that these women rarely had a local contact person for their individual problems. We also count “genital mutilation” as domestic violence. Since 2019, the association has been in contact with all relevant women’s counseling centers here, built up its own resources through training, and established resilient contacts with the African community in Essen. The problems to be dealt with are determined by the women seeking help.

Muslim Women’s Group in Bremerhaven (Weser-Ems-Perspektiven e.V.)

Place: Bremerhaven

We are an Arabic, Turkish and Kurdish women’s group in Bremerhaven. Many of the women are from Syria and majority have flight background and therefore haven’t been living in Germany for long. This group was founded in the last 5 years. We got together not just because we speak the same languages and are Muslim women but because we have common interests, take a stand for a good integration for us and our families in Germany and for passing on our culture and language to our children. We are a group of about 100 women. We organize joint festivities, we meet in small and big groups and thereby live a part of our culture in community with the families living in Bremerhaven. We also do excursions together and have already organized certain workshops/ workshop weekends. Furthermore, we meet to dedicate ourselves to specific topics in the interest of all and work on the realization. Topics: Social participation/equal opportunities; Fit for the internet/Basic computer courses; German classes + alphabetization; dealing with discrimination.


Mural Collective – Berlin

A Collective for Queer Arab Artists

To empower each other – as artists, queer and in exile and against all political odds.

The Mural Collective (formerly DaGeG) is a group of queer Arab artists living and working in exile. The name stands for the shared experiences of the BIPOC artists and creatives who make up the group. As an artistic collective, they try to explore the complexity of our current times. They also see themselves in the role of mediators who artistically translate their painful experiences and ultimately try to repair the ruptures that have arisen from dominant binaries. To help others do the same.

What filia’s support makes possible
The group is currently working on a film project entitled “On the Edge of a Dream”. The filia funding is helping to complete the post-production. Mural Collective is also planning a series of workshops aimed at queer BIWOC groups. The workshops will focus primarily on writing and photography. At the same time, they will enable participants to network and work together.