filia’s Female Founders
filia is a community fund that is designed to grow and invite to participate. It is filia’s numerous donors who have pooled their assets to work together to improve the world in the interest of women and girls. In 2001, the first 9 endowment donors laid the foundation for this community fund, which is now supported by more than 70 endowement donors.
Motives of our Female Founders
"It became clear to me that foundations that address the specific problems of women and are financially supported by them rank at the very bottom of the foundation scale. Given the distribution of property and income in society, this is not surprising, and yet this inequality annoys me ..."
"For me, fundraising is political work and social commitment. And that's where I'm partisan for women."
"Together with my husband I have a son, together with a group of women I have a daughter: filia. Not to give charity, but to promote social change, justice!"
“filia has a future - as a fund and as a community of women with the same visions!”
“Founding and working on filia's foundation constitution together with other women opened up three possibilities for me: 1. putting feminist values into practice 2. acting in an entrepreneurial, planned way 3. putting traditional models of power and leadership to the test.”
“I recognized at filia the approach of social change in which women play a major role. It is unacceptable that half of humanity does not have a sufficient share in political power, economic resources and educational opportunities.”
“I'm attracted to this statement on the website: "Supporting women changes the world". This thought excited me; I know from my own experience that women approach things differently, even more efficiently, than men in many situations.”
“As a founder, I am involved in filia because I enjoy pursuing the goal of strengthening the position of women in society together with other committed women. For me, this is indispensable for fair and sustainable coexistence in this world.”
“As a founder, I am involved with filia because I am convinced that women's rights and human rights are indivisibly linked. The fight for equal rights for women is a necessary condition for a fairer, more peaceful world.”
“The fund should maintain its independence and not be dependent on the will of individual donors. To continue to have the courage to be radical and to support areas that focus on the everyday lives of girls and women. This is the only way to bring about lasting change in society.”
“When I learned about filia, I was particularly impressed by the many ways in which filia supports women and girls. I don't have any children to leave my money to, so I think filia is a good alternative.”
“As an “Eastern woman”, my heart beats very strongly for the East and, even years after reunification, I identify strongly with the changes in these countries, so I was very happy that filia specialized in Central and Eastern Europe as one of its funding priorities.”
“What particularly appealed to me about filia was that the fund is by women for women. I also liked the idea of a community foundation: not just giving money and going away, but participating and seeing what the money has done.”
“I was motivated by the fact that in a world dominated by men - I am in favor of quotas (!) - filia is committed to women and women's projects that do not flourish on the sunny side of economic growth. And women should form networks to support and promote each other as well as the "guys" do.”
„I joined filia as a donor because I would like to invest my money meaningfully in feminist projects together with other women. Trust in women!“
“I am involved with filia because, as a feminist, I want to promote the self-determination of women in many places around the world. I find the projects in Central and Eastern Europe and the empowerment of refugee and migrant women particularly important.”