Sustainable Investment Strategy
The investment strategy and investment guidelines (as of 5.3.2021)
- filia is committed to social justice for girls and women worldwide. It does this through its funding activities and aims to ensure that the investment form of the foundation’s capital also serves this goal or at least does not conflict with it.
- The primary investment objective is the long-term real preservation of the filia.die frauenstiftung’s assets.
- On a long-term average (7 years), an increase in value of 3% after deduction of all costs is targeted. This includes an annual distribution of interest and dividends of 1.2% after deduction of all costs for the ongoing financing of the foundation’s activities.
- The investment objective is to be achieved through diversification into various asset classes. Due to the prolonged period of low-interest rates, the following ranges are defined for equities and real estate: Equities: 30 – 45%; Real Estate: 10 – 20%; Fixed Income securities: up to 40%; Other Asset Classes/ Equity Investments: 20%.
- In principle, investments are selected based on recognized sustainability criteria. On this matter, filia has defined specific requirements that stipulate the exclusion of armaments, nuclear power, biocides, tobacco, serious environmental violations, human rights violations, labor law violations, corruption, etc.
- The investment strategy is basically to hold securities for the long term.
- The Investment Committee (AAS) shall define the framework for the implementation of the investment strategy. The AAS monitors the implementation of the investment strategy and compliance with the investment guidelines. Fundamental changes to the investment strategy must be submitted to the board of filia.die frauenstiftung for approval.
- The AAS consists of 5 persons: a female board member as chairperson, an asset manager, a founding benefactor, the executive director of filia as well as a consultant.
Your Contact
You want to learn more about our investment strategy? Please contact us.
Lizzy Wazinski
Executive Director
+49 (0)40 380 381 990